1. What is the Tool Used for
Using keyword match types is a way to narrow the targeting and get better PPC results. The problem is to wrap tons of keywords in inappropriate match types. The Keyword Wrapper tools let you do that in a one-click.
The tool groups added keywords into 7 separate lists of keywords in 7 different match type combinations. This allows you to save time and optimize your campaigns according to your purposes. For example, you can easily create SKAG groups.
2. Short-List of Key Features
1. You get separate lists of keywords in 7 different match type combinations:
- Broad, Modified Broad, Phrase and Exact Match;
- Modified Broad, Phrase and Exact Match;
- Broad, Phrase and Exact Match;
- Phrase and Exact Match;
- Modified and Broad Match;
- Phrase Match;
- Exact Match.
2. Optionally, the tool removes keyword duplicates, special symbols, as well as converts keywords to a lowercase.
3. How to Wrap Your Keywords
Enter your keyword list in the appropriate field and press WRAP KEYWORDS. Every new keyword has to be placed on a new line.
You can see an example of 7 lists of converted keywords on the page below.
Broad, +Modified +Broad Match, “Phrase” & [Exact] Match — each keyword is converted into Broad, Modified Broad, Phrase, and Exact Match, with each one indicated by the notation similar to the frame’s title.
+Modified +Broad Match, “Phrase” & [Exact] Match — each keyword is converted into Modified Broad, Phrase, and Exact Match.
Broad, “Phrase” & [Exact] Match — each keyword is converted into Broad, Phrase, and Exact Match.
“Phrase” & [Exact] Match — each keyword is converted into Phrase and Exact Match.
+Modified +Broad Match — each keyword is converted into Modified Broad Match.
“Phrase Match” — each keyword is converted into Phrase Match.
[Exact Match] — each keyword is converted into Exact Match.
Copy wrapped keywords to use them in your campaign.
4. How to Remove Duplicates, Special Symbols, and Convert Keywords to a Lowercase
By default, the Remove Duplicates, Remove Special Symbols (+-*) and Lowercase features are active.
The tool removes only exact duplicates, meaning that keywords with different word order and word form are considered the different ones.
To switch these features off, you should unmark the associated checkboxes. After that, press WRAP KEYWORDS.