Jak to działa
- Na podstawie ruchu. Rekomendacje są oparte na są na wskaźnikach zachowania użytkowników, takich jak średni czas spędzony na stronie (Avg. Time) i procent wyjść z witryny (%Exit).
- Na podstawie celów. Zalecenia oparte są na danych związanych z konwersją, takich jak: konwersje, współczynnik konwersji, koszt konwersji.
Narzędzie zaleca zwiększenie stawek dla urządzeń, które wykazują dobre parametry zachowania/konwersja. W przeciwnym razie narzędzie zaleca obniżanie stawek. Pomaga to zaoszczędzić budżet w prosty sposób.
Uwaga! The bid adjustment recommendations are not obligatory; rather, you get a convenient summary report on the important metrics by device type. Additionally, the report allows you to manage bids directly from the PromoNavi interface. You can set the bid adjustments depending on your marketing goals.
How to Start
Сhoose the campaign for which you want to get bid adjustment recommendations.
In the campaign drop-down list, choose the campaign for which you’d like to get bid adjustment recommendations.
Choose the report type. You can get recommendations by traffic or by conversion goals.
If you choose to see the recommendations report by goals, tick the goals for which you would like to get recommendations.
The table that will show up contains metrics for 3 device types: computers, tablets and mobile devices. These metrics are Impressions, Clicks, Cost, CPC, Avg. Time and % Exit.
The table also shows 3 columns with indicators: Current Bid Adjustment (1), Recommended Bid Adjustment (2) and Expected Outcome (3).
Recommended bid adjustments are set by percentages in the Recommended Bid Adjustments column. To edit the recommended adjustment, click on the pencil icon.
Select the Increase or Decrease option and set the bid adjustment by percentage. Press the SAVE button to save changes.
To apply these bid adjustments to your campaign, tick the device types in the table and press the ACCEPT NEW BIDS button. The changes to your Google Ads campaign will be performed automatically.
To remove the bid adjustment recommendation, tick the device type and press the DECLINE (DO NOT SUGGEST) button.